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Start Becoming a Steady Physician Through My Coaching Program

In the SteadyPhysician’s coaching program for clients, I understand that many physicians are suffering due to various job-related challenges, ranging from dissatisfaction to burnout. These physicians feel unsettled in the present and fearful of the future, making it hard for them to navigate their professional and personal lives confidently. We believe that a steady physician has a firm foundation, a clear mind, and a steady hand in facing work challenges and building positive relationships.

Philosophy of the SteadyPhysician Program

As the creator of the coaching program, I see myself as a thought partner who can help you transition from a life situation that drains your energy, positivity, and passion to one that is fulfilling, satisfying, and meaningful. By gathering information and asking the right questions, I will guide you toward discovering your strengths, values, and goals, enabling you to move forward to the life you desire. This interrogatory approach is the driving force behind the coaching process.

Connection Self Awareness Balance

Dynamics of the SteadyPhysician Program

The coaching process within the SteadyPhysician Program is primarily organic, with no pre-determined syllabus. While some efforts are structured to gather information, most of our work is dynamic and tailored to what we learn along the way. I have developed a multidimensional model that encompasses four interdependent realms of experience relevant to the physician coaching process:

  1. Self-awareness: Understanding who we are is fundamental to self-expression and decision-making. Through self-awareness, we explore your strengths, values, and thought patterns – forming the foundation for emotional intelligence and personal/professional success.
  2. Balance: Achieving balance in life is crucial for satisfaction, productivity, and fulfillment. We aim to find an equilibrium where your time, energy, and attention are distributed harmoniously across different areas of your life, enhancing your steadiness in managing day-to-day activities and progressing toward your goals.
  3. Agility: An agile physician can adapt and respond effectively to various situations, achieving desired outcomes. We will expand your mindset, enabling you to assess situations and respond steadily to achieve your desired results quickly and accurately.
  4. Connectedness: Building strong connections and relationships fosters collaboration, engagement, loyalty, and job satisfaction. We will work on developing your empathy, communication skills, and ability to build bridges, enabling you to achieve more as an individual, team member, and leader.

The Structure of the SteadyPhysician Program

To assist clients in finding insight and skills necessary for satisfaction and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives, the SteadyPhysician Program offers a three-month program consisting of weekly 45-minute sessions. These sessions can be conducted via phone or video chat, with email access provided between sessions. Additionally, a post-session email outlining the main topics discussed in each session will be provided.

To learn more about the SteadyPhysician Program, you can schedule a complimentary 60-minute Exploratory Session.